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3. Ground

The section outlines the Standard Operating Procedures for Ground Operations at Bahrain International Airport (OBBI)

3.1 General Provisions

The Surface Movement Controller (SMC) is responsible for managing aircraft movements on all aerodrome movement areas except runways and their associated taxiways. Departing aircraft are given pushback instructions and instructions to taxi to the runway holding points. Arriving aircraft are assigned a stand and instructed to taxi as appropriate.


Runway 12R/30L is always used as a taxiway. It will be referred to as taxiway A in this case.

3.2 Departure pushback procedure

3.2.1 General pushback procedure

When aircraft have been handed off from DLV, they shall be fully ready for pushback and have reached their TOBT. Assuming no obstructions, they shall be instructed to push back immediately.

Aircraft requesting push that are not squawking their assigned transponder code shall be instructed to hold position and squack the correct code. They must not be allowed to move until doing so.

Pushback direction is based primarily on aircraft location and runway configuration. Pushbacks shall face the runway threshold that is in use for departures.

Example: Pilot:

"Bahrain Ground, Good Evening, GFA512, Stand 18, Requesting Pushback"


"GFA512, Bahrain Ground, Good Evening. Pusback Approved, Face West"


Conditional pushback instructions may also be issued if an aircraft is taxing behind another waiting for pushback. The clerance should begin and end with the word "BEHIND".


"Bahrain Ground, FDB3EF, Requesting Pushback"


"FDB3EF, BEHIND GULF AIR B789 Passing Right to Left, Pushback approved, Face West BEHIND"

3.2.2 Pushback Types

Standard Pushback

This type will normally have the aircraft stop abeam the adjacent stand. the phraseology for this type of pushback is laid down in 3.2.1

Short Pushback

A short pushback instruction shall require the aircraft to complete the pushback procedure abeam the current stand such that the adjacent stand will not be blocked.


"OMA51, Short Pushback approved, Face West to finish abeam Stand 9."

Long Pushback

A long pushback instruction shall require the aircraft to complete the pushback procedure two stands away from where the pushback was commenced. This maneuver may be used when aircraft are vacating a stand to be used by another aircraft taxing in.


"UAE51W, Long Pushback approved, Face West to finish abeam Stand 12."

Simultaneous Pushback Operations

Simultaneous pushbacks may be permitted from adjacent stands provided aircraft are instructed to maneuver in accordance with 3.2.2 such that on completion of both aircrafts' pushback operation, they will be separated on the taxiway by two aircraft stands.

3.3 Departure Taxi procedure

Where aircraft are taxied to runway holding points, transfer of control to TWR shall be made early enough such that the aircraft is not required to stop its taxi.

As there are no published intermediate holding points in Bahrain, aircraft may be instructed to hold short of an intersection taxiway instead.


"GFA512, Taxi via A, Hold Short A5, QNH 1020"


QNH is relayed to the aircraft on the Taxi instruction

3.3.1 30R Configuration

Taxi to the runway shall be conducted on taxiway A to depart aircraft full length. If requested and traffic permitting intersection departures can be used. Caution should be exercised with aircraft taxiing out from the western apron or the Executive/Cargo Apron when there is a simultaneous arrival to these aprons as there is only one taxiway available.

Aircraft from the main apron/terminal shall be pushed onto Z and then via the next appropriate taxiway onto A.


"GFA512, Taxi to Holding Point A9 Runway 30R via U, Right on A, QNH 1020"

3.3.2 12L Configuration

Taxiout from the main apron shall be conducted via Z initially to change to A via S or T as required. Traffic from other aprons conduct their taxiout via A.

3.4 Arrival Taxi Procedure

3.4.1 General Taxi Procedure

Arriving aircraft shall not immediately be handed off by TWR. They must instead be given an initial taxi instruction onto A to keep traffic flowing. Therefore, SMC shall assign an arrival stand when they are on final approach.

Once the aircraft is handed off to SMC they may be taxied to their stand.

3.4.2 30R Configuration

Aircraft arriving on runway 30R are expected to vacate not before A4. For traffic to aprons other than the main apron, it is recommended to instruct the aircraft to vacate onto A2 to avoid a standoff on taxiway A. Taxiways S or T should be used depending on the traffic situation to cross arrivals on Z so they can enter their assigned stand.

3.4.3 Stand Allocation Procedure

There is no automatic stand assignment available yet for OBBI. For now, SMC shall assign a stand manually via the GRPlugin or the scratchpad. All Commercial airline passenger traffic shall be parked at the new terminal (Stands 12-27).

For Cargo Operators, there is a dedicated cargo apron with stands C1-C5 or on the western apron (50-58)

GA and VIP traffic shall be parked at E1-E4 or 81-88.

3.5 Low visibility operations (LVO)

LVO will be enforced when the Runway Visual Range (RVR) reading is 1000m or less. If the RVR reading falls below 350m, take-offs and landings are not allowed. All taxiways are available during LVO. Intersection departures are prohibited during LVO.

3.6 Designated Areas of Responsibility

Bahrain only has one Ground position. Therefore, the movement areas are only split between SMC and TWR. TWR controls the runway as well as the holding points and exit taxiways. All other movement areas are under the control of SMC.

Handoffs shall be made in such a way that aircraft are not required to stop taxing. Top control is used on VATSIM. When DLV is not online, SMC will assume its reponsibilities.