2. Delivery
The section outlines the Standard Operating Procedures for Delivery Operations at Kuwait International Airport (OKKK)
2.1 General Provisions
Kuwait Clearance (OKKK_DEL) or Delivery Clearance (DLV) is responsible for validating flight plans and issuing IFR/VFR clearances to departing aircraft. This includes thoroughly reviewing the filed route, assigned altitude, and departure procedures to ensure accuracy. If any discrepancies, errors, or invalid information are detected, the controller must correct them before issuing the final clearance.
In addition to route validation, the Delivery Controller plays a crucial role in managing ground operations at Kuwait International Airport. To reduce delays and congestion during peak departure times, proactive measures such as holding aircraft at the gate may be implemented to conserve fuel and optimize the flow of outbound traffic on the taxiways.
2.2 Departure Clearance
2.2.1 General
Clearance Delivery (KUWAIT DELIVERY) is responsible for issuing airway clearances prior to flight. Pilots may be expected to report the following information on first contact:
- Callsign
- Aircraft Type
- Parking Stand
- Destination
- Requested Flight Level
2.2.2 Information contained in a clearance
A clearance shall be in the following format:
- Callsign
- Clearance limit
- SID (if appropriate)
- Initially cleared altitude
- Assigned SSR code
2.2.3 Phraseology
"A Jazeera Airways flight to Riyadh International Airport will be used as an example going forward for the phraseology."
"Kuwait Delivery, Good Evening, JZR227, Type A320, Stand 138, Request IFR Clearance to Riyadh International as filed."
"JZR227, Kuwait Delivery, Good Evening. Cleared to Riyadh via KFR4F (WAFRA 4F), Initial Climb 4000ft, Squawk 4411"
"DLV shall obtain a full readback of the clearance. If the pilot does not report the current ATIS letter on first contact, DLV shall pass the current ATIS letter and QNH."
"Cleared to Riyadh International via KFR4F, climb 4000ft, Squawk 4411, JZR227"
"JZR227, Readback correct, Information Alpha, Report ready for Push and Start
"Information A, We will report ready for Push and Start, JZR227"
Departing aircraft must remain on the delivery frequency and report when ready for pushback before being handed off to the Surface Movement Controller (SMC). This allows aircraft to be held at the gate.
“Ready for Pushback, JZR227”
“JZR227, HOLD Position, Contact Ground 121.700.”
“Contacting Ground 121.700, JZR227”
2.3 Datalink Clearance
Clearance for aircraft may also be provided via DCL, which helps reduce controller workload and frequency congestion. For aircraft equipped with the necessary systems, this will be delivered through the onboard ACARS system. Controllers must ensure that DCL is available for use at all times.
2.4 Aircraft requiring a reroute
Aircraft requiring a reroute shall not be given PDC/DCL. Instead, a voice clearance must be used. This shall be communicated to the pilot appropriately.
2.5 Departure Procedures
Traffic departing Kuwait International Aircraft are cleared on the RNAV SIDS (Standard Instrument Departure) and Initial climbs, as mentioned in the table below:
All Transitions from the VOR, KFR are pronounced as "WAFRA".
Initial Climbs:
Coordination Point | Route | Transition | Initial Climb |
ALVAX, SESRU, BOXIK | - | - | 4000ft |
RALKA, KFR | G782/G667/Y517 | KATOD | 4000ft |
KFR | P517 | DEKOB | 4000ft |
KFR | L550 | NIDAP | 4000ft |
2.6 Requested cruising level
Aircraft routes out of the aerodrome must comply with all routing and level restrictions depending on the direction of their flight. This is based on direction and type of flight.
Destination | Restriction |
OBBI | Max FL 270 |