1.3. ATC Ratings
Controllers are categorized by their permanent rating, Khaleej vACC follows the Global Controller Adminstration Policy (GCAP) set by VATSIM which indicates:
Developing Controller (S1): Gives the ability to control DEL/GND positions.
Aerodrome Controller (S2): Gives the ability to control tower positions + Solo validation to control APP/DEP position.
Terminal Controller (S3): Gives the ability to control DEP/APP positions + Solo validation to control CTR/Enroute position.
Enroute Controller (C1): Gives the ability to control enroute position or a CTR.
Senior Controller (C3): A further rating granted by divisions which does not have any increased privileges associated.
There are more ATC ratings that do not have defined competentcies by the GCAP, such as Instructor 1 (I1), Senior Instructor (I3).
These ratings are additional qualilifications achievable through specific requirements outlined in the VATMENA ATC Divisional Policy.